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No Mower Lawnmowers

Imagine walking down the street with the smell of blood lingering in the air, trudging through the dismembered and minced up bodies of tens of thousands of defenseless animals lining the pavements. You enter your garden and to your shock and disgust, they're covered in bloodied remains. It sounds like something out of the worst nightmare imaginable, but this is exact scenario doesn't need to be imagined as it's quite literally happening to blades of grass every second of every day all around the world. As we know, plants and animals are both alive and there's no difference between the two - they share the same moral considerations by most humans when confronted by vegans about their treatment and consumption of animals. Enough is enough, and it's time to take a stand against the grass holocaust.

Even among the smallest gardens in the UK, in the City of London's Square Mile, the average garden size is 16 square meters. The average number of blades of grass per sq/m is 100,000 - meaning that even in the smallest of gardens around 1.6 million blades of grass are cruelly mutilated or killed every time a lawnmower is used. The rest of London averages 140 sq/m per garden, with gardens in the Outer Hebrides in Scotland rising to an average of 727 sq/m, or 72.7 million blades of grass. All grass wants to do is live and grow tall, but thanks to our ignorance and apathy their hopes and dreams are cruelly cut short.

You can help end this cruelty by signing our petition now! 

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